Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Am Not Tech Support

I want to say I am not tech support, but the fact of the matter is that I am. When anybody I know has an issue with anything having to do with technology, I seem to be the girl to go to. It can be a little bothersome at times, but I am getting used to it.

When I first realized that I had become tech support for just about everybody I know, I was really starting to become bothered by it. It made me feel used, actually. Now I've come to realize it is a compliment.

I am a self-proclaimed computer/gadget nerd. Although I have no formal training in anything, I seem to catch on pretty fast to anything involving technology. I love playing with computers, MP3 players, cell phones, and just about anything else that can be considered high tech.

It goes without saying that almost anybody who knows me would come to me first when they are having a problem with (or question about) their computer, phone, etc. After all, I know my stuff, so why not?

For the most part I don't mind helping people with their stuff. If they are appreciative that is usually enough reward for me. The problem is, I realize I could charge an arm and a leg for the simple things I do. Geek Squad does it, and they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground, so why don't I? I do not charge because I'd feel like an asshole for doing so. Everything I know is self taught and I just enjoy playing with gadgets.

I have may have dug myself into a hole with that mentality. Even though I did not go to school for any of this, have no certifications, know jack shit about coding, etc., I am performing a service that anybody else would charge for. I'd feel strange charging somebody for what really amounts to the privilege of me getting to play with their toys, but when it comes down to it, it really is a service that I am providing. Not everybody knows how to do the things I know how to do, so even though it is just fun to me, maybe I should stop being quite so generous.

A good example of me being too generous would be me providing tech support for my aunt every time she calls. If she just called every once in a while to say "hi" I suppose it wouldn't be so bad, but the fact of the matter is she only calls me when she has a computer question. I am being used by her, and I know it.

Everybody else seems to be pretty cool about the whole thing. They show me that they actually appreciate the help I give them, so I have no problem with helping them. After all, that's what friends are for, isn't it?

Sometimes I want to scream "I AM NOT TECH SUPPORT", but that is the position I've put myself in, and it could always be worse. Being known as tech support means people think highly of me and think I'm smart. When I look at it that way it's not so bad at all.

So I really am tech support. I can live with that :)

There is just one thing I'd like to add. It drives me nuts when people call me asking about something I know nothing about. Yes, I catch on very quickly, that doesn't mean I'm a psychic. If you are asking me about an MP3 player, phone, or program that I have no experience with, of course I won't know the answer. Once I play with it, I'll figure it out, but before that don't be expecting any miracles.

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