Saturday, February 16, 2008

Revised Blog Projections

When I first started this blog I had a few things in mind. Mostly I just wanted a place to post my thoughts on things, and that is what I have done. But now that I have been posting to this for over a year (on and off) I have revised a few of my earlier projections.

So here it is, a paragraph from my first post. I will now look at a few of those things I wrote up and revise whatever I see fit.

So what will I write about? Everything!

That much is still true, I will write about whatever I want whenever the fancy strikes me.

A few things off the top of my head would be: anime

Come to think of it, I'm not sure that is a subject I will be posting about. I do love anime, but it's not my whole life anymore. I haven't watched all that much compared with some people. Besides, I don't really have anything too worthwhile to say about any of it that hasn't been said a million times already. Yes, dubs suck, subtitles are always the way to go. Yes, anime is superior to most American animation. If anybody cares (which I'm sure they don't) this is all of the anime I have watched, all subtitled of course:

I have actually seen more than that, but most of it has been dubbed, crappy, or not worth mentioning. Yes, I am kinda nerdish, but oh well. Anyway, now that I've spilled my list, that's all I have to say on the subject.

video games

I may actually do this one at some point, but probably not anytime soon. I try to be a bit of a video game nerd as well, but truthfully I suck at most games and every console since the N64 has given me motion sickness. I do love my Nintendo DS and my Dance Dance Revolution though.


I have posted about how lame The Simpsons is getting, about how much I hate Dr. Phil, and also about how TV seems to be moving towards being more uncensored, so this one has proven itself to be viable.


Maybe in the future, but no plans to post about any movies for now.

my family

That one is a somewhat sore subject at the moment. I may divulge more about it as time goes on, but no plans at the moment.

my bunny

Bunny already got a post devoted to her. More to come, along with rabbit talk in general.

a little politics

Most likely not. I have become the most politically apathetic person you can meet. I just don't give a shit anymore. Hey, there is a far right person, and there is a far left person! Do the world a favor and shoot each other, please. None of the political bullshit is relevant in the real world.

I voted for Bush in '04 and it was one of the dumbest things I've ever done. Not that Kerry was any better, but Bush is a fucking liar. "War on terror" my fucking ass. Yeah, it's easy enough to send troops to Iraq, but heaven forbid we close the Mexican border. After all I'm sure terrorists would *never* sneak in over the Mexican border.

I could care less about this election. I hate them all. None of them will change this country, the only way that will happen is if we elect the next Hitler. Obviously another Hitler wouldn't be for the best, but it's the only thing I can think of that would actually make any difference one way or the other. Who cares who's in office? Like a bunch of rich people who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground are relevant to my life, give me a break.

That's my political rant. Unless the next Hitler really does get elected, don't expect me to talk about anything political again anytime soon.

computer/internet stuff

Yeah, that subject is most likely coming up. Have a post about MySpace on the back burner at the moment. Not to mention, my already published iHate Apple and eBay Etiquitte posts.

and many many more things I'm sure.

Yep, I will write about whatever strikes my fancy.

This is not a specialized blog, it's mine and I'll write whatever I feel like writing.

Still very true

If I never get any readers, oh well, that's secondary to just having a place to publish my (sometimes) inane thoughts.

I have changed my mind about that one. Having readership is still secondary to just being able to publish whatever I want, but I would like to get more readers. Maybe that isn't possible since my writing is all over the place, but you never know.

That's that, those were my revised projections on what I want this blog to be. I'm sure it will evolve more in time, but it is what it is for now. Any of the things I said above, about what I will and will not write about, are subject to change at any time. I'm a bit wishy washy like that at times.

I'm sure I could get a bigger audience if I just posted about one subject that interested me, but then I wouldn't be being true to myself, now would I? Besides, maybe different subjects could bring in a potentially wider audience.

I haven't made up my mind as to whether I will ever post anything even remotely personal about my life. I feel as if that will scare people away. Besides, I don't want to be one of those "Well, today I went for a walk, then saw a bird, then went home and ate a sandwich" bloggers. Seriously, who cares about that mundane stuff?

So here we go, this should be interesting... or boring, how should I know! =)

I hope it has been at least halfway interesting thus far. I can only hope that my blog (along with my writing skills) will continue to get better and better as time goes on.

One more thing...

I'll try not to ramble and rant too much, but no promises.

Meh, guess I'm just a ranter. Oh well.

This post has gone on long enough, just wanted to be sure to cover all of the bases. Cheers!

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