Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Hate Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil is a hack of the highest degree. The man makes a living giving out shitty self-help and feel good advice to fat white trash people who are too dumb to know he's a fraud. He is the direct hellspawn of Oprah, but at least Oprah can be somewhat palatable. Dr. Phil is just annoying and obnoxious. Speaking of Oprah, well, that is another rant for another day.

Let's just say I think most women are stupid. At times I really am ashamed to be one. Between this shit and Lifetime, women's TV is really just a very sad, perverted joke. Oh well, I watch anime and Food Network anyway, so it's not like I have to deal with it firsthand. I am ashamed to have relatives that do enjoy those kind of shows though.

Anyway, back to Dr. Phil. He's a joke. Anybody with half a brain should realize this. The man is an idiot when it comes to psychology. Sure, he's a lawyer, so I can't say he's a total idiot, but somebody needs to take his degree in psychology (does he even have one?) and shove it straight up his ass. Er, in Dr. Phil speak, that would be ah-ess.

What has me ranting on the good Doctor anyway? I had the displeasure of watching his show today. I've seen bits and pieces of it before, but I have never been able to sit through a whole show. The only reason I did today was because my grandma wanted to watch it. She's not a fan either, but she was interested in what it was about. All I did through the whole show was make fun of the people and talk about how stupid Dr. Phil is. His stupidity is one you really have to see to appreciate.

Basically it goes like this... fat trashy white people have a problem, not having the resources (or brainpower) to do anything about their problems themselves, they decide to go on a fat loudmouths' show. Erm, excuse me, that would be fat, BALD loudmouth. Anyway, then trashy person bitches to Dr. Phil about their problems, and Dr. Phil usually gives advice in the vein of "You need to get off of your ah-ess and do something about this". Trashy person whines and cries some more as the audience applauds every time Dr. Phil makes a comment. The end.

Ok, maybe it's a *little* more complex than that, but not by much. It's trash TV posing as something with more substance. I think that's probably what pisses me off the most about it. Jerry Springer, Maury and their ilk at least basically acknowledge what they do is trashy. Dr. Phil is really posing as someone who can help you solve your problems though. The show is one of trash TVs' finest, but people actually eat this up like it's really life affirming stuff. It's sick. Dr. Phil is nothing more than a loudmouthed blowhard. Seriously, I could do what he does. I've even got the accent down.

I guess it comes down to this, don't trust a fat man who has a diet book. I'm not the one who made that one up, but it's so true. The man is quite the porker, why should he be giving other porkers diet advice? While he's at it why doesn't he promote hair growth products?

I'm sure there is much more I could say on this subject, but I've said the gist of it. I don't feel like dedicating that much time to Dr. Phil, even if it is against him.
In a nutshell, fuck Dr. Phil and his phoney advice.

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