Tuesday, January 29, 2008

iThink Apple Sucks

iHate Apple and it's obnoxious advertising campaigns and even more obnoxious fanbois.

iAm mostly talking about the iPod and iPhone, iReally can't speak for the computers, but iWould never buy one of those either.

Apple has a way of making the not too spectacular looks super desirable because they are stylish. Yes, Apple makes pretty products, but style does not equal substance. iWanted an iPod for a long time, but iEnded up buying a Zen Vision M because it's just plain better. Although, admittedly, iWatied for the Zen Vision M because all of the Zen products before that were butt ugly.

The only thing the iPod can even claim to have over the Zen Vision M is that it has games. Crappy little games. Block Buster, or whatever it's called, is like so 1982. Also, the Zen doesn't have support for Macs, but who cares about that? If you have a Mac you're already fellating Steve Jobs anyway, so it's a good bet you have an iPod.

Whoopty doo, Apple, you made the most basic music player ever, it doesn't have a radio ($50 extra) and iTunes is a terribly shitty program. If you have an iPod you *have* to use iTunes to put music on it. Yes, you can also use a plugin using Winamp, or a variety of other programs, I'm sure. But the fact of the matter is Apple wants you to have to use iTunes. Heaven forbid they just support the ever so new and revolutionary technology knows as "drag and drop". iAlso hear you need iTunes just to activate an iPhone. Way to push your proprietary bullshit, Apple.

Speaking of the iPhone, there are plenty of other capable phones. But oh, the iPhone is shiny! iWas still using a Sidekick 2 until recently and iStill preferred it to the iPhone. iJust wasn't too impressed with it when iPlayed with it. iAm sure glad iWent with the Sidekick LX instead of the iPhone (like it was ever even a contest). Just the simple fact that the iPhone doesn't support copy and paste is laughable, add to that the crappy touch keyboard that you can't even use a stylus on, and it just doesn't sound so great anymore.

iAlso really hate those "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commercials. Way to compare a modern Mac running OSX to a PC from 1995. Hey Apple, while you are running obnoxious ads, why don't you compare a Mac running OS9 to a PC? iHaven't played much with a Mac running OSX, but iCan tell you OS9 is a pile of shit. OS9 is the only operating system iHave ever seen that was even slightly affected by Y2K. iCan only go on my own experience here, but when iWas trying to figure out the piece of crap know as an iMac running OS9 something kept coming up on the screen saying something to the effect of "Your clock is set to a date before 1900" or some such crap.

There is just one more thing iWould like to say about the whole Mac vs PC debate. Would all of the Mac fanbois who say "Macs don't get viruses" kindly STFU already? You don't get viruses on a PC either unless you're a total retard. Truthfully, if you're dumb enough to click on free porn or open an unknown e-mail without a halfway decent virus scan, you deserve exactly what you get.

iReally could go on all night, but iAm done. End of rant, iAm spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's me again. The first to comment on all your blogs, their so great. Anyways, I really don't know much about Apple or for the most part electronics and such, but I would have to agree with you on the ipod about it's looks and such. To be honest, I was thinking of buying one too, just because of they look so cool. After reading this blog, now I'm thinking about a zen. " Keep'em Coming "