Saturday, May 17, 2014

Am I Going To Try This Again? Probably!

Every once in a while I still revisit this blog and I think "damn, I'm a pretty good writer", and then think that I really should continue with this thing.  But then laziness sets in and before you know it, I don't write anything for a year or two.  It's not *exactly* a case of writers' block (though sometimes I get that too), more like "waaah, I don't feel like thinking enough to compose an entire post."  It wouldn't be so bad, but given that I'm somewhat of a grammar nazi, this shit can be time consuming.  And even then I see mistakes in my writing!  Boo-urns.

And man, my life has changed soooo much since I started this thing back in 2006.  I don't really feel like listing the myriad ways that I am pretty much a different person now, but let's just suffice it to say I've changed man, I've changed ;P

Anyway, I'm not even sure what to write about these days, but I'm sure if I brainstorm I'll figure it out.  Ugh, and then I've gotta edit all of my old posts and make sure the font color/size matches throughout all of my posts, and, yeah, that's another reason I've been so lazy.  That and the fact that sometimes I just flat-out forget that this blog exists.

So, what has inspired me to try (for the umpteenth time) this thang again?  Eh... mostly my boyfriend.  You see, he's this musician guy (super obsessed, super...) and I really have nothing of my own that I'm good at.  But wait a second!  I'm fairly good at writing, well, I'd like to think I am anyway.  So, here we go again, hopefully!

Now to sit and think of things to write about.  Sadly I'll have to type most of everything on a mobile, so that'll suck, but I'll try not to let that deter me.  Whatever -_-

Hello world, I'm back... kinda... maybe... I think *shrug* hopefully!

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