iThink Apple Sucks
iHate Apple and it's obnoxious advertising campaigns and even more obnoxious fanbois.
That much is still true. Their ad-campaigns as of late don’t seem as douchey as they used to though, but the fanbois can still be obnoxious. But really, fanbois of anything are annoying. Reading this old post of mine, I feel obnoxious!
iAm mostly talking about the iPod and iPhone, iReally can't speak for the computers, but iWould never buy one of those either.
The classic iPod, the iPod that millions of people bought before the iPhone/iPod Touch came out, wasn’t nearly as remarkable as people made it out to be. That much I can still stand behind. As far as the computers… well, I am typing this from a Mac, so yeah, I must eat those words too ^^;
Apple has a way of making the not too spectacular looks super desirable because they are stylish. Yes, Apple makes pretty products, but style does not equal substance. iWanted an iPod for a long time, but iEnded up buying a Zen Vision M because it's just plain better. Although, admittedly, iWatied for the Zen Vision M because all of the Zen products before that were butt ugly.
My Zen Vision M, funny story about that one, it randomly broke one day. The hard drive is still accessible, so technically it works, but the screen went out for absolutely no reason one day. When I Googled around about the issue, apparently there was a class action lawsuit brought against Creative over this issue. It seems it happened to a lot of people, and Creative’s response to pretty much everybody was “bugger off”. I wrote several e-mails to them asking for a resolution to the problem, but since my unit was out of warranty they gave me that “not our problem” crap… even though there was a freakin’ class action lawsuit! Oh, and then to add insult to injury they gave me a diagnostic tool, for the software on the Zen. Yeah, a screen implosion isn’t a software issue, Einstein. I eventually gave up, but in my final e-mail to them I told them that they shouldn’t be pissing their customers off when their competition is the iPod. I then bought my iPod Touch, and I totally love it. I still have my ZVM, it works as portable storage, but not much else.
The only thing the iPod can even claim to have over the Zen Vision M is that it has games. Crappy little games. Block Buster, or whatever it's called, is like so 1982. Also, the Zen doesn't have support for Macs, but who cares about that? If you have a Mac you're already fellating Steve Jobs anyway, so it's a good bet you have an iPod.
The games on the classic iPod were lame. The games on the iPod Touch are quite awesome though! As far as the ZVM not supporting Macs, they don’t, but I needed to get files off of my ZVM onto my Mac and found a nifty little utility that did just that. Oh, and also, as a proud owner of both an iPod Touch and a MacBook, I’d still have to say that Steve Jobs is most likely a douche.
Whoopty doo, Apple, you made the most basic music player ever, it doesn't have a radio ($50 extra) and iTunes is a terribly shitty program. If you have an iPod you *have* to use iTunes to put music on it. Yes, you can also use a plugin using Winamp, or a variety of other programs, I'm sure. But the fact of the matter is Apple wants you to have to use iTunes. Heaven forbid they just support the ever so new and revolutionary technology knows as "drag and drop". iAlso hear you need iTunes just to activate an iPhone. Way to push your proprietary bullshit, Apple.
As I’ve said before, I am not changing my tune on the old “classic” iPods, they were pretty damn basic for what the hype was. I did indeed have to plug my iPod Touch into iTunes before it would do anything, but oh well. I wasn’t thrilled about it, but I survived. As far as iTunes itself? It’s still not my favorite program ever, but it’s not nearly as bad as I made it out to be. Once I figured out that the auto sync function could be turned off I was happy. iTunes/iPods are still lame in that they don’t want to let you transfer your music from you iPod onto the computer (apparently, transfers are only supposed to go one way…), but there are plenty of applications that solve that problem. Should iTunes/iPods automatically support that? Hell yeah. But nothing is perfect, so you just live with it. Also, iTunes really does work better on a Mac, the fanbois were absolutely correct on that point.
Speaking of the iPhone, there are plenty of other capable phones. But oh, the iPhone is shiny! iWas still using a Sidekick 2 until recently and iStill preferred it to the iPhone. iJust wasn't too impressed with it when iPlayed with it. iAm sure glad iWent with the Sidekick LX instead of the iPhone (like it was ever even a contest). Just the simple fact that the iPhone doesn't support copy and paste is laughable, add to that the crappy touch keyboard that you can't even use a stylus on, and it just doesn't sound so great anymore.
As everybody and their grandmother knows, iPhones/iPod Touches now support copy and paste; it was included in an OS update. The first iPhone wasn’t all that though. I was definitely underwhelmed. I think what really changed everything was the introduction of the App Store. I am absolutely in love with my iPod Touch because of everything I can do on it. The touch keyboard still kind of sucks though, and AutoCorrect makes me want to torch kittens, but all in all it’s not that horrible. It still would be nice to be able to use a stylus sometimes, but the touch controls really are top notch, and multi-touch rocks. Also, as far as graphics/eye candy, the Sidekick line never could compare with the iPhone. The Sidekick has recently been re-released though (only running Android instead of the Danger OS) and I’ll need to look into it again at some point. This is an unrelated tangent, but I’m still pissed at Microsoft for killing Danger. Also, I’ll probably still never buy an iPhone. Android can definitely hold it’s own, and besides, I already have an iPod Touch, which is basically the same thing.
iAlso really hate those "I'm a Mac and I'm a PC" commercials. Way to compare a modern Mac running OSX to a PC from 1995. Hey Apple, while you are running obnoxious ads, why don't you compare a Mac running OS9 to a PC? iHaven't played much with a Mac running OSX, but iCan tell you OS9 is a pile of shit. OS9 is the only operating system iHave ever seen that was even slightly affected by Y2K. iCan only go on my own experience here, but when iWas trying to figure out the piece of crap know as an iMac running OS9 something kept coming up on the screen saying something to the effect of "Your clock is set to a date before 1900" or some such crap.
OS9 was AWFUL! It was clunky and unintuitive. OS9 is the reason that I (along with a lot of other people, I’m sure) wouldn’t even hear of giving OSX a chance for a long time. I couldn’t figure out much on OS9, but after like an hour of playing with OSX I pretty much had the OS figured out!
There is just one more thing iWould like to say about the whole Mac vs PC debate. Would all of the Mac fanbois who say "Macs don't get viruses" kindly STFU already? You don't get viruses on a PC either unless you're a total retard. Truthfully, if you're dumb enough to click on free porn or open an unknown e-mail without a halfway decent virus scan, you deserve exactly what you get.
The virus thing? It’s probably one of the major reasons that when my lappy took a dump I decided on a Mac. You see, I’m not a stupid computer user, I pretty much know what I’m doing. So when some stupid fake anti-spyware thing comes up (XP security 2011, I hate you) and compromises my computer to the point where it won’t even freakin stay on, I know something is wrong. Even before my PC took a dump, I was using Ubuntu more and more. As far as my PC taking a dump? It was my fault, I’m sure. I abused that thing like there was no tomorrow. After 5 ½ years, it was like “I’m sick of your shit, Star” and decided to not power on. I’m definitely planning on getting it fixed sometime though. You see, even though I now have a Mac and have drunk the “Apple Kool-aid”, I still see no reason to have an OS bias. I probably still won’t update to a version of Windows after XP (which is probably a big part of the reason that I was becoming more and more susceptible to viruses) for a long time yet (thanks to Vista being a huge POS when it came out), but all of the OS’s have their place. My new MacBook wasn’t a replacement for my Toshiba, it was just a new computer.
iReally could go on all night, but iAm done. End of rant, iAm spent.
Was my original rant ill-informed and biased? Hell yes! However, Apple didn’t do much to endear themselves to hardcore PC users (which I once was). When you’re a smug a-hole, it tends to turn people off.
All of that being said, my iPod Touch is an awesome PMP and I am head-over-heels in OS love with OSX. Does that mean that I think people who choose other MP3 players/operating systems are stupid? Nope, everybody to their own. Personally, even though this MacBook pwns (it really does), I still can’t wait to get my old lappy fixed. They both have their place, the MacBook is nice and portable and my Qosmio has a huge screen and some hardware that the Mac doesn’t.
I’m now a Mac. I’m also a PC though, not to mention a smelly Linux nerd :P
The moral of the story? Brands aren’t religions, and using more than one OS won’t kill you.
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