Thursday, July 24, 2008

i kant stand wen ppl kant spel

i think i spel gud and i tryed that gramer thing but its hard hay i have an idae im guna do a hole blog post in wich i thro gramer and speling to the wind punkshuashions are 4 fags haha isnt this anoying well then ppl need 2 learn 2 spel beter and stop bein so lazie y do u think speling like a returd maeks u look kool it maeks u look stoopid u ediot so u need 2 learn how 2 use punkshuashions and shit and lern to spel and all that gud stuf im sirusly tryng to keep this up but its hard how do u ppl mange 2 misspel so many wordz its not liek its hard to use propr english but if u think speling liek a returd maeks u look kool then moar power 2 u u kan spel liek a lolcat and in the meentime ill be using propr english cuz i kan so u need 2 get a brain u morans and stop bein such lazie morans

Holy crap, Firefox's spell check feature freaked out on that jumble of misspelled ugliness!

That was painful. My brain hurts. Anyway, I don't know if it's out of laziness or pure stupidity, but people who spell like that and refuse to use punctuation should have to repeat grades one through six, no matter how old they are. Of course, with the way the school system is anymore, they'd probably get a gold star and an "e" for effort for at least "trying".

Okay, I get it, the English language can be confusing, and the best of us do mess up. But how do you get to the point where you don't even care? It's not too hard to spell "you" out, instead of typing "u" all of the time. And the number 2 in place of "too" and "to" is even worse. And punctuation, punctuation! The comma and period are your friends, would you kindly fucking use them? Oh, and don't even get me started on things like "your", "you're" and "there", "they're", and "their". Homonyms are not all that complicated, especially those ones. And now for a test...

Which one of these sentences is correct?

A. I'm two fucking lazy too learn how to spell, that's you're job.

B. I'm to fucking lazy to learn how to spell, that's your job.

C. I'm too fucking lazy to learn how to spell, that's you're job.

It was very hard for me to type that first paragraph. I want to spell everything correctly, and I have a very hard time dumbing myself down to the point where I can do that. It goes against everything I'm wired to do.

Anyway, that's really all I can say on the matter for now. I've still been very busy and haven't had time to blog much. This was at the top my of mind though, and since I haven't blogged in over a month I figured I'd at least post something.

And by the way, the answer to the quiz is "none of the above".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ow, Cruz! That hurt my brain to read! But I hear you, people have to know how to spell. I refuse to talk to anyone who doesn't even make an effort. I don't expect perfection, but trying to type properly is all I ask for.