Thursday, May 29, 2008

Even More Candy Goodness

I haven't had much time to blog recently, between working and not being home I just haven't had the chance. Today I finally have time to write a little, so I'm going to take advantage of this chance.

The topic of the day isn't something new. In fact, it's becoming one of my reoccurring themes. Today I am writing about (drum roll please) stupid candy!

The pictures are not the best quality, but they get the job done. I didn't personally take these pictures, my good friend Sandra did. Thanks for the help Sandra!

I didn't personally witness these monstrosities, but I'll write about how I imagine them to be! I usually like to taste, feel (and then possibly regurgitate) these sugary pieces of nastiness, but unfortunately I can't. These pictures come courtesy of a 99 cent store that is far, far away in the land of Iowa.

So, without further adieu, here is strange candy part whatever...

Buggy ooze candy

Proving once again that no matter how disgusting the concept, kids will love it, here we have Critter Goo candy. Little plastic bugs that you squeeze candy goo out of. I wish I knew where the goo came out of, but I figure it probably comes out of their little plastic buggy butts. At least the bugs aren't too disgusting, we have some strangely colored beetle and a lady bug, and I'd much rather eat candy out of a lady bug's butt than a roaches!

Ant farm candy

If having a real ant farm isn't a feasible option, worry not, you can have marshmallow ants in a box that's printed to look like an ant farm! At least these ooey gooey buggers won't get out and invade your house. Plus little Timmy won't have to go through the trauma of his ants dying. It's a win win situation! Inanimate ants, how can you go wrong?

Gummi bat

You can't get much more yummy, than a bat made out of gummy. Sorry, I had to do that. Anyway, I'm sure the picture doesn't do this one much justice. It's a giant, black, and I'm sure ugly gummi bat. So if you've always wanted to pretend to eat a bat, you're in luck! Bones not included...

Gummi rats

Continuing the theme of disgusting critter candy, we have Gummi Ratz. Gummi rats and gummi bats, what do you think of that? Although, truthfully these look more like gummi mice than gummi rats, but the word rat ups the disgusting factor, so they decided to go with it. I hate to say this, but they are almost cute, in a strange lab mouse type of way.

And that's all for today's look at weird and disgusting candy. Join me again sometime soon for part two (and possibly part three).

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