Saturday, March 22, 2008

Oh, That Is Ever So Creepy!

Here I am posting again, against my better judgment. My poor ailing hard drive be damned! May as well use it while it's working, right?

Anyway, tonights subject is something spontaneous. I didn't think this one up in advance. I just got a stupid picture message from a phone number I don't even know, so I decided to share it with the world!

This is so like the movie "The Ring" AKA "Ringu". Oh yeah, I have seen the American version, the Japanese version, and actually even read the book. What can I say, I like everything weird and Japanese. So will I be here this time next week? Only time will tell (ok ok, obviously I will).

I'm not superstitious at all, but still, it does make me think of all of those creepy weird ass Japanese movies. By the way, why did they use the music from "The Exorcist" for a stunt clearly ripped off from "The Ring"? The world may never know...

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