Friday, February 08, 2008

Disney Can Kiss My Ass

There is an evil corporation which goes by the name of "Disney". Oh sure, they may try to make you think they are oh so wholesome and all of that junk, but they are just as evil as any other large corporation.

So why the Disney hate? There are a few reasons. The main reason being that they whore out their creations for so long that everything they do ends up mediocre. Of course, they would never admit that. Nope, they want you to believe that the world really needs a 5th Peter Pan movie or a 6th Aladdin, or whatever half assed sequel du jour they are pumping out at any given moment.

They have ruined any fond memories I had as them as a child. I used to love the animated Disney movies, and I owned a shitload of them. I have since sold all of those videos and am now proudly living Disney free.

Disney just loves to take your money. If you have kids you probably really don't have a choice. I can only imagine this is how one of their board meetings would go...
"Ok, great job with the Hannah Montana merchandising, but we need more!"
"Oh, I know, let's make another Bambi movie!"
"We could put Winnie the Poohs' face on more baby items, I believe there isn't a Pooh bear baby wipe yet!"
"Don't forget Tinkerbell! She's hot with the 1-25 year old demographic. I know, how about we make a Tinkerbell themed fire extinguisher, it can shoot out green foam instead of white! We can include a Tinkerbell smoke detector with it! Girls will love it, and it will make fire safety fun!"
"Or if all else fails we can always make another talking animal movie!"

The last of which brings me to another point, whats with the lame ass talking animal movies? Really, it's been done. It is not original, it is not imaginative, and it barely passes for entertainment. Unless you're 5 years old or a retard like my mom, the talking animal movies have long since stopped being anything worthy of even a glance. I love animals, but I'm not going to go "OMFGZ, animals which are anthropomorphisized *and* talk, sign me up!"

Yeah, by the way, thanks for the anthropomorphisized cartoons Disney. Now we have this subculture of Furries going around fucking each other in life sized animal costumes because "I liked Robin Hood when I was a kid". Ok, so that last one isn't really Disneys' fault, but it's still sick as hell.

Anyway, if you like Disney and want to buy their crap, that's your deal. But I feel they should at least work for their money like any respectable company, and stop pimping out 50 year old movies and shitty teeny bopper pop stars. They should quit resting and their laurels and actually, I don't know, do something new.

Come on Disney, we used to be cool!

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